Welcome to your General Student Body College Readiness Critical Task Event (CTE) Modules Name Email Phone Enter Your School Name Enter Your Club Name Enter Your Organization Name Have you prepared a Student Résumé and Cover Letter for future use? Visit www.RésumésToGo.com in order to use a Trial Résumé Builder. The Builder allows you to build and view your product before you pay for it and ONLY if you LOVE it! There are NO obligations to purchase anything Add description here! Yes No Not Applicable None Start early and ahead of your peers (COMPETITION) to think about your abilities, social/cultural preferences and personal qualities that may affect your college choices. Complete The Common App College Readiness Planning Questionnaire to begin to define and narrow college search as you are to now send out your first applications if you are a High School Senior? Yes No Not Applicable None Develop a list of 10-15 colleges that interest you and request information from those colleges about their academic programs that you are interested in. Make a file to manage your college searches and application deadline information. Yes No Not Applicable None So, have you Applied For Admissions to that Top School, Specific School or Specific Schools? You can’t attend college if you do NOT apply to College Yes No Not Applicable None Did you check out the Information that is currently being presented in your school’s Resource Center which is usually located in the School Counseling Office for important college and scholarship information? Yes No Not Applicable None Have attended College Admissions Counselor Visitation Events? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you completed Sphere of Influence Meetings with your Family, Parents, Coaches and Siblings? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you created a Master Planning Calendar? Get Organized for Admissions Combat by using a Master Planning Calendar. Sit with your Older Siblings, Parents and Guidance Counselor. Show and present to them your Plan and ask for valuable insights and recommendations. Yes No Not Applicable None Have you requested and picked-up Standardized Testing and NCAA Eligibility Financial Vouchers in order to pay for those services if you are Title 1 eligible for the Federal Free Lunch Program and/or are on Public Assistance or Identified Court-Order Program Participant? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you sent by mail and/or email copies of your current Transcripts to each College Coach of the Schools that you have applied to and/or are interested in attending and before it is requested by the Coach? Be Proactive! They should NEVER have to ask. But if they do, you should be able to immediately respond with, “It’s already been emailed to you Coach! “. In fact, if you are serious, you should have already applied for Admissions before speaking with the Coach because you are a Student Athlete First! Apply then opt to mail in a check, but then immediately speak with the Coach or their staff! If things do NOT go well, you can always then decide to NOT send the Check and opt out of the Application/Admissions process. Happens All Day Long Every Day In The World of Admissions! Yes No Not Applicable None Have you completed Syncing your CTEs to BOTH your Mobile Phone and Computer? Yes No Not Applicable None Join a Club and/or other activities unless you already are involved and have a solid record of participation. If so, then continue to hold leadership positions and participate in and track extracurricular activities: sports, clubs, and community service (required for Bright Futures Scholarships). Update your high school resume as needed. Yes No Not Applicable None Have you prepared or are you working or have even completed an application essay? When you write the first draft, ask your teachers and others to review and proofread them. Yes No Not Applicable None Have you applied for any scholarships that can be found on your College Resource Center Scholarship Bulletin Board? You can also research local scholarship opportunities especially within organizations and clubs that you participate. Yes No Not Applicable None Have you assessed and evaluate your College Admissions Inventory/List? Narrow down your list to 6-8 colleges. Include 2-3 reach (you fall below their academic profile), 3-4 target (you fit their academic profile), and 1-2 likely (you are above their academic profile). Yes No Not Applicable None Where do you stand; have you applied and if NOT, why NOT Get Ahead of The GAME? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you explored career and college opportunities on www.bigfuture.collegeboard.org; https://www.collegesimply.com/ or https://www.prepscholar.com/act/s/? Yes No Not Applicable None Did you complete your scheduled or any Community Service Hours? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you completed the FAFSA Application Process? If you are a High School Senior, fill out FAFSA with your parents (opens October 1) regardless of financial need. FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and is a financial aid application that is used to determine the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as well as eligibility for need-based financial aid. Yes No Not Applicable None Did you attend the NACAC College Fair at the Prime Osborne in October as well as other college and career fairs in the area? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you taken or re-taken the SAT and/or ACT again if necessary? Yes No Not Applicable None What is your ACT/SAT Superscore? If you have taken either or both Test more than once, you know what your SAT/ACT Standardized Test Super Score is? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you taken the PSAT? The PSAT is offered annually during the Month of October. Junior year scores can and will also determine National Merit Finalists Designation. Other than that, scores are NOT held against you, so you have absolutely nothing to fear or lose by taking or NOT taking the test other than your potential loss of Scholarships based and awarded upon your academic performance on the test. Yes No Not Applicable None Did you complete your scheduled or any Community Service Hours? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you registered to take the ACT and/or SAT for the spring? Contact your school counselor about fee waivers. Register for SAT Subject Area Tests if required by your desired colleges. Continue Test Prep Studies for ACT/SAT. Yes No Not Applicable None When your scores were received, did you sign on to My College Quick Start in order to review the capabilities of the Personalized College and Career Planning Kit based on PSAT scores. Sign-In to view your scores from the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10 and PSAT 8/9 Tests. Yes No Not Applicable None Have you completed your CommonApp? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you continued to apply for scholarship opportunities? Yes No Not Applicable None Did you complete your scheduled or any Community Service Hours? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you met with your guidance counselor for a annual current or final check of high school graduation requirements? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you reviewed your Financial Aid Package Award generated by your FAFSA and added/edited/saved your Top Schools on the FAFSA Application Form which will then be automatically sent to and received by each identified and listed (by CODE) Institution of Higher Learning as entered by you on the FAFSA Form? (1 Point) Yes No Not Applicable None Have you completed application for Seal of Biliteracy with DCPS if you qualify? Yes No Not Applicable None When you made your appointment and met with your Guidance Counselor, did you review your 2-year plan? Yes No Not Applicable None When you made your appointment and met with your Guidance Counselor, did you discuss your Class Schedule? Yes No Not Applicable None When you made your appointment and met with your Guidance Counselor, did you discuss and/or address your college goals? Yes No Not Applicable None Are you scheduled to Take or Re-take the ACT/SAT? Yes No Not Applicable None Did you complete or are you completing your Community Service Hours? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you mailed your final transcripts (High School and Dual Enrollment) to your Top College Choices and the NCAA Eligibility Center (if applicable). Yes No Not Applicable None Have you completed or are in the process of completing an Online or Formal In-Class ACT/SAT Preparation Course? Yes No Not Applicable None Many ACT/SAT Test Prep Services guarantee a Score increase of at least 5 points on the ACT and 150 points for the SAT. If you do not achieve that goal, they will either refund your cost minus the cost of their materials or allow you to re-take their course “For Free”. Are you interested in taking ACT/SAT Test Prep Classes? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you used our affordable Résumé Builder to prepare your Résumé and Cover Letter, or do you have, or have you updated your Résumé; Cover Letter and if you are a Student Athlete, your PSA Compilation (3 Min or Less) and Raw (Full or Partial) Game Video Footage? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you talked to college students who are currently in your desired major and people who work in the fields that interest you? Yes No Not Applicable None Have you looked for a summer job, internship or volunteer position to help you learn about your field of interest? Note: If you can, we recommend that you take Test Prep and/or Summer Classes and even more importantly utilize this time to increase your ACT/SAT Standardized Test Scores Yes No Not Applicable None Did you complete your scheduled or any Community Service Hours? Yes No Not Applicable None Are you and your parents, putting aside money for college or other post-secondary plans? Yes No Not Applicable None Did you visit college campuses during our summer travels? Go on Admission Office Tours for perspective students. Ask a current student that attends the college to share their experience and answer questions. Yes No Not Applicable None Have you started researching college essay writing techniques and ensured that your selected list of colleges have your intended major. Yes No Not Applicable None Start researching and applying for scholarship opportunities. Visit www.fastweb.com for a listing of many scholarships. Yes No Not Applicable None Have you retrieved; reviewed and filled out and turned in the necessary documentation needed as part of the Bright Futures Scholarship Process? Add description here! Yes No Not Applicable None Have you completed the online Florida Financial Aid Application for Bright Futures and additional college applications? Yes No Not Applicable None If completed before or by your Senior year in High School, have you turned in your Community Service Hour Forms to your school counseling office to be sure they are in the system for the 7th semester Bright Futures evaluation? You cannot be awarded Bright Futures without meeting community service requirements. Yes No Not Applicable None Have you checked your 8th Semester Bright Futures Evaluation and made sure that the college you plan to attend is listed on your application? Yes No Not Applicable None Did you check your Bright Futures eligibility online in July? Yes No Not Applicable None If you have NOT graduated, are you continuing to earn community service hours to meet the Bright Futures and other Graduation Requirements? Yes No Not Applicable None Time's up