Prepare to Compete and Win! Receive your College Readiness Score/Rating! Know just where you stand as to your College Readiness and Admissions progress and status and even against your Peers including ALL Students and ALL Student Athletes (your peers) at all times!
Twenty (2) Breakout Modules that support nine (9) College Readiness Resource Center Modules: Academics (1); Admissions (3); Recruiting (3); Eligibility (3); Financial Aid (3); Medical Services (1); Counseling Services (1) - Complete all Breakout Modules independently and at your own pace or join a team or other Group that completes each session as a unified Cohort or Team. And please Don’t Forget, “Iron Sharpens Iron! “ We also offer more Personalized Premium Memberships/Services (Additional costs are incurred), but that means, we either assist and/or do everything for and with you! We work with you side-by-side as a team!
Our low affordable pricing includes Full Access to our unique, but simple Student Résumé Builder and Weekly LIVE ZOOM Training Support. The College Campus Online K-12 Enrichment Services difference is, we allow you to add Photos; School Crests; School Logos and Club Branded Clipart to the top of your Résumé. It’s very impressive when being viewed by and presented to a Coach and/or University Admissions Rep.
As part of our more personalize approach; support and concept design, we will automatically review your product and contact you with nothing less than impressive and impactful personalized product recommendations* that are guaranteed to help you stand out and ultimately, “Get The Job”! In fact, your product will be heads and tails above the rest of the pack. We are confident and it has been proven time and again, that if we did not write/construct a product that is left behind on the table after ALL Interviews are done and all other things being considered, you really do NOT have the best product on the table and many times that is the single most mentioned deciding factor or feedback fact.
You really do have “8-10 Seconds” to make a Significant Lasing Visual Impact that Gets The Job! Plus, we are available 24/7 including weekends and holidays to assist you as part of your personal team because, “We work for you”!
Construct Service Upgrade are at an additional cost, but we Rollover your initial Membership Fee into any purchased follow-on Premium Service, because with us, “You Never Pay Twice for The Same Services!
Our Guarantee: We will not offer personalized Construct Services to you if our efforts will NOT result in a 100% plus improvement in your product. SO, just what do you have to lose?
Many services trick clients with slick advertising; multiple templates; false promises and hidden fees. They are 100% designed to make you invest your time into preparing your so-called FREE Résumé, but then in the end after you have spent hours or days of your time, when you press the “Process Button” with excitement, then learn that, in order to see or even view your product you must pay a small fee. This then authorizes them to charge a hidden annual Fee or even monthly fees until you are at your wits end. You may even have to file a credit card dispute in order to state your case and reverse all charges, but you will still lose even if you try to or do cancel your Credit Card. Why and How: The bank will still charge you for the authorized Charge, because YES, you authorized the Charge when you signed and accepted the terms of the initial FREE agreement, but of course with hidden Fees!
Do not fall for such thievery and trickery. Our Parent Résumé Builder is a “GIFT” that is offered to assist parents of At-Risk; Underserved Student Population with lifting up and being in a financial position to provide better support and ultimately College Educations for their Children. We want to stress that many times our construct services result in a 30-100% increase in the salaries of our clients. Pus they help our clients make impressive presentation, that help them to “Get The Job”!
Our Civilian (Parent) Résumé Builder really is 100% FREE as in are included in the price of your child’s Initial College Campus Online Membership Fee!
We do offer highly specialized Federal Government Writing Services. In fact, we absolutely do Specialize in writing Federal Résumés; Knowledge; Skills and Abilities (KSAs); Executive Core Qualification Statements (ECQs); other Desired Factors and Statements (Required Question Answers). Please remember this, no mate thee name the game is Still The Same” Evaluation factors are the foundation of the Federal hiring process. It does NOT matter whether or NOT they are hidden nor just what they are called. You are ALWAYS being evaluated using Federal Evaluation Factors and KSAs against other job Applicants based upon information the presented in your package and how you respond against the information and the effort of your competition
We suggest that you ask any other service to tell you what the S.T.A.R. Factor Writing Format is and if they can NOT answer that question, we do wholeheartedly suggest that run away from them as fast as you can or at least call us before you consider the use of their services.
Why: Because if we did NOT prepare your product, I promise you that it is more than likely that you do not have the BEST product siting on the table before, during and especially after your Interview when the hiring decisions is being made.
This in the end means my client, all things being considered and equal, will MORE THAN LIKELY be, “Getting The JOB As Usual”! Our clients consistently make the Qualified List and even more importantly, the Best Qualified List. And YES, we are proud to say that, “They usually, do “Get The Job Offer”! That is 100% what we are known for and that is the reason why our clients are now sending us their kids over 30 years later!
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