FREE RÉSUMÉ BUILDER: Step 1. Upload Your Images/Photos!
Do not place your photo on your Résumé, unless you are a Prospective Student Athlete (PSA) sending your profile to a College Coach. If you are applying for jobs in the United States of America, do not submit a résumé with a picture. We also suggest that if you are from another country that you research your National HR Hiring practices/laws. In the US, we sternly warn against your doing so because many companies have established strict Human Resources (HR) policies that restrict their Hiring Managers from even reviewing such products. Why? Because of U.S. Discrimination Laws and the potential of facing EEO/Discrimination Lawsuits.
So if you send such a Résumé, it may never be looked at or reviewed and be thrown directly into the Circular File (Trash Can).
If you are a Student and/or a Student Athlete applying for jobs, we suggest that you 100% show your school Spirit and/or pride without using your head-shot.
And Remember, due to many forms of discrimination and bias, except when you are preparing an Athletic Résumé/Profile for a Coach as part of your Compilation Video Package, we do not recommend that you use a personal photo during a Civilian Job Search before your HR/Hiring Interview and especially NEVER for a College Admissions Application.
Our ONLY exception is that a Coach needs to know who they are looking for in the Compilation video. Your play will win them over and if not, because of the color of your skin or your nationality, then just maybe you are not a "Good-Fit" for that school or even more importantly they are NOT a "Good-Fit" for you! YOU have a right to be picky as to your school of choice too!
Students and Student Athletes please feel free to upload up to any five (5) of the following:
- Individual Head-Shots/Team (Athletes ONLY) Photos
- School Logos
- Club Team Logos
- School Crests
- School Mascots
- School Club Symbols
- Any Special Honors and Academic Emblems and/or Symbols.
Uploading Your Crests/Emblems/Symbols/LOGOs/Photos is as Easy as 1-2-3!:
How to upload your Crests/Emblems/Symbols/LOGOs/Photos from your computer to the Free Résumé Builder!
1. Click anywhere on or within our, "Drop Files Here to Upload" Box.
2. Next select one (1) to five (5) photos.
3. Verify your transfer after the builder notifies you that your action/event has successfully completed by clicking the RED "View My Résumé" Button at then bottom right hand side of the page.
More Info Click Here