Résumés and Cover Letters: 2/15
Have you prepared a Résumé/Sports Profile and Cover Letter for use when applying for College Admissions; Jobs; Internships; Roster Spots and Scholarships?
College Admissions Research: 3/15
Have you researched Admissions versus Early Admissions Requirements for that Top School, Specific School or Schools?
Inventory Review/Assessments: 5/15
Have you assessed and evaluated your College Admissions Inventory/List?
Bright Futures Volunteer Hours: 6/15
Have you scheduled and/or started your Community Service Hours?
DCPS Volunteer Hours: 7/15
Do you know that Community Service Hours are NOT a DCPS Requirement For Graduation?
Keep Applying Nonstop, Because The World Has Changed: 10/15
Have you continued to apply for BOTH Admissions and Athletic Scholarship opportunities?
Prepare and Re-Take The Standardized Test: 11/15
Are you scheduled to Take or Re-take the ACT/SAT or have you completed; have you taken a Test Prep Course and are satisfied with your previous Exam Scores?
Bright Futures Community Service Hours: 12/15
Have you turned in your Bright Futures Community Service Hours (Form) to your school counseling office?
ACT/SAT Test Prep Services: 13/15
Have you EVER completed an Online or Formal In-Classroom ACT/SAT Preparation Course?
Summer Jobs and Internships: 14/15
Have you looked for a summer job, internship, or volunteer position to help you learn about your field of interest?
College Campus Tours: 15/15
Have you planned and/or did you visit college campuses during your summer travels?